About Us

Our paths were meant to cross.

The Universe introduced us in June of 2022 when our new (to us) fixer upper boats, ended up docked next to each other. Our life paths were eerily similar including having sold our homes of 30 years to live on our boats and travel the coast.

From there the similarities presented themselves layer after layer after layer. And here we are today.

We found so many commonalities in our wellness beliefs that we had to combine our efforts providing you with a TOTAL SYSTEM OF HEALTH.

Pearla Phillips

What an incredible journey it has been! As a 50 plus-year-old woman embracing post-menopause, relishing in motherhood, and fueled by a zest for life, my path has been nothing short of amazing.

The struggle with weight has been a constant companion throughout my adult life.

Emotional eating has played a significant role, but it became a catalyst for growth. Through the years, I've not only faced challenges but also acquired valuable lessons, living and teaching a mindset anchored in well-defined boundaries, self-love, and a commitment to never feeling deprived. It's about making intelligent choices that pave the way for a healthy, disease-free journey.

In my role as a nutritionist for over two decades, and functional movement specialist since 2009 I've guided countless women with the same principles that have brought me success. I share simple guidelines that have empowered hundreds to achieve similar results.

Beyond that, I've delved into the culinary world, crafting delicious and nutritious recipes. I've penned a cookbook and continue to create in the kitchen, sharing new recipes monthly.

This, coupled with functional movement for mobility, stability, strength and balance, has been the cornerstone of my journey and the lessons I eagerly pass on to others.

Lean in, share your story, and above all, be willing to choose yourself in this incredible journey of health and well-being.

Tracey DuBois

I’ve experienced the symptoms of menopause and I’ve struggled with pain that kept me from doing the things I love; (low back, hip and shoulder…

There was a time when I had so much pain and discomfort that I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t exercise much less get out of my car or put on socks! At 50 years old, I thought, “is this seriously how it’s going to be for the rest of my life?”)

Here’s my story…

Yamuna® Bodyworkhas been life changing for me! So much so that I became a Practitioner to empower others to relieve some of their pain, increase their range of motion and continue to do all the things they love!

About 8 years ago, I was struggling both with low back pain and shoulder issues. At one point, my back was so bad I couldn’t get out of my car. At that moment I was like, “is this the way it’s going to be for the rest of my life?”

The emotional toll of pain and frustration was very strong.

After months of seeing orthopedic specialists, MRI’s, X-rays, PT and a cortisone shot to the neck, I still had the symptoms and no real diagnosis.

I was introduced to Yamuna® Body Rolling therapy through a holistic Physical Therapist. I learned that creating space in my body as well as adding strength was the magic prescription to allow me to live an active life.

Now I’m feeling better than I’ve felt in years!

Tell us your story!

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